...because whether you have 15 minutes or an hour and 15 minutes...creating yummy meals for ones you love can be simple...

Friday, July 16, 2010

{folding fitted sheets...simply}

thanks to my muma...and her years in a convent (save that story for a different time/place!) i learned, at an early age, how to fold fitted sheets so they neatly and discreetly take residence in your linen closet without causing mass explosion.

wanna know how to turn this...

into this.....?

*********here's how:**********

first, begin by turning your sheet inside out...and find the corners.

insert your hands, pointed, into opposing corners...like this
(with the wrong sides still facing out)

next, bring two wrong-sided corners together and fold them into one another....like so
{this will make the right side face out}

*repeat with the remaining two corners...inserting your hands with wrong sides facing out and folding one corner into the other.

now, you should only have 2 corners to deal with. insert your hands into these remaining corners and fold them into one another also...it should make it look like this:

now...no more corners...only a rectangle to fold in half...like this:

fold both ends into the center...like this:

and then, fold it in half and....VOILA!!


the only issue that will occur in your linen closet now will be telling apart the flat sheet from the fitted sheet!


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