...because whether you have 15 minutes or an hour and 15 minutes...creating yummy meals for ones you love can be simple...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

i've fallen...

off the "posting" wagon, that is!!

okay...i'll admit it, i've wanted to be writing on here...BADLY!! but...but...but...excuses excuses!!

so, i thought i'd take this tie to let you know i'm still here, if you are:)

and i'll try and make a better effort to keep in touch!

i hope you understand!

until next time...my little bit of advice for today: USE PARCHMENT!!!

seriously...i LOVE this stuff!! awesome for a stick-free mess of your baking sheets AND frying pans!! SERIOUSLY!! i just made scrambled eggs tonight in my cast iron frying pan (because teflon-non-stick pans are E.V.I.L - but i'll possibly talk about that at a different time!!) and thinking about...no, wallowing the fact that i'd have to scrub all the eggy-goo off the pan and re-oil it...UNTIL i remembered PARCHMENT!!! so, i gave it a try...and VOILA!! a mess free simple fix!!

there ya go...i dare you to try it!!

until next time,

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