...because whether you have 15 minutes or an hour and 15 minutes...creating yummy meals for ones you love can be simple...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

hunker down

and get serious about this crafty, home-made business!!!

that is what i've been telling myself recently!

because, in all honesty, i DO do quite a bit of home-made stuff,

and i could quite simply share my little nuggets of wisdom with you...

like this blog was originally intended to do!!


so, okay...if you promise me you'll keep checking in,

i'll promise you to be more diligent in my posting

maybe even do something crazy....

like the 12 days of Christmas???

if 12 of you are interested in that idea...

(meaning i get 12 comments!!)

then i would commit to doing a stint resembling the twelve days of christmas!!!!

so...whatchya think???


kelly ens said...

yes please!
(there's your #1)

Niki said...

I love seeing your creativity as it inspires me! So yes please!